Trap & Skeet
Learn ultimate responsibility, respect, and competitive balance with trap & skeet.
Armstrong Trap and Skeet Team
The Trap and Skeet is the fastest growing high school sport in the nation. Our team meets weekly at the Metro Gun Club in Blaine. We promote team work as well as individual marksmanship.
Shooters are required to have their MN DNR Firearms Safety Certification to register.
8-week spring season is late March through mid – May. Optional state competition in June.
Registration is open until noon on 03/20.
Email for details.
“I coach because I want student athletes to learn pride in a job well done, respect for themselves and
their peers, as well as how to move forward through mistakes or adversity.”
Team Details
Registration, Eligibility, Policies and Training
Register for Athletics NCAA Eligibility Policies Athletic Trainer